Okay i liked it but i failed alot, intill i learned that i can smash on my key board and get them right.
Okay i liked it but i failed alot, intill i learned that i can smash on my key board and get them right.
Im not a fan of hunger games but this game was pretty fun other than when i always got a kunai in my head.
God i love this game a classic Shoot'n run i have the remake on the xbox this game was simply amazing hen i started to play it.
Ok this was a normal Zombie,Multidirectional game i have played many this was okay but everything lagged out when i got the minigun.
Well this was a game probably made in a day but i got most of the ropes.
This really wasnt all that fun.
"GET PHOTOS"X6 GOD F**K SHUT THE F88K UP I GUESS ILL TELL YOU I AM THEM AMAZING RAP- uhh i mean i am not spider man and JJ i just have to tell you one thing......I got your pictures right here"ZZZZZIIPPP"
Okay this game was sorta funny playing with a freind while trying to find spiderman i yelled "WHERES WALDO?!?!?.
Okay i guess though the music gets annoying because well you know it sounds very VERY scary.
Plus this was pretty hard and if there is a pause button......tell me it.
Over all it is pretty fun,Intensive, and addicting at the least it would be ok.
not that good yes i love side scrollers but i just didn't find this one side scroller fun.
And im gunna be honest please everyone read this..STOP MAKING ZOMBIE GAMES.
That is all.
Joined on 3/4/12